Offers and Packages

Something you won’t want to miss

special offers

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available to all of our



Queensberry Club membership opens the door to all kinds of preferential Bath hotel offer rates, discounts, perks and small but thoughtful gifts.  Signing up is easy and, once you’re in, you’re not just part of something, you’re first in line to hear about our best, most advantageous Bath hotel special offers, whether they’re linked to local events, times of the year, or continuing promotions centred on the loveliness of the hotel and restaurant in particular, or our beautiful city in general. 

Seasonal Offers

We’ve picked some prime bath hotel packages for our guests to tuck into, all of them featuring some of the finest things about our luxurious hotel, our Michelin-star restaurant, or our vibrant, compact and independent-minded city.

Spring Has Sprung Web Icon

Our Spring offer

Enjoy everything our delightful rooms have to offer, with up to 20% off

12,136 TQH November retainer Winterl Offer Icon

Our Winter Offer

Why sit around waiting for warmer days when you can hunker down…

Hotel Stay Packages

When In Bath

Have a good bathe in Britain’s only naturally warm mineral-rich waters.

12,166 TQH Feb Retainer Flash Sale Graphic

Flash Sale

Enjoy 30% discount on a break including accommodation, breakfast and a bottle of gratis in-room Cava

12,128 TQH October retainer Two Season Special Offer Icon

Taste Of The Season

A Michelin Star dinner and breakfast in a Michelin Key hotel …